Thursday, May 11, 2006

Punkymom & her nose piercing adventure

I decided as a Mother's day present to myself and partially a act of mid life crisis, I am going to get my nose pierced, I've been wanting to do it since I was a teen and was always talked out of it, with the following explantation: it could effect your future and the career you choose ! I'm a stay at home Mom and property owner so my husband and kid are the only ones that can fire me or try to make wear a stupid bandaid on it. As a teen I was a sk8 chic and I always wanted to do crazy things to myself and my parents would never allow it so I had to settle for Annie Lennox style hair with the weekly food coloring dying (not allowed to do the real) which I found really really wrong and swore when I had a kid they could express themselves in whatever form they wanted!! I have kept most of that belief and even my conservative husband (whom wanted my tatoo removed for along time) has the same opinion about self expression and may even get his first tatoo in Vegas! So lately I have gotten a little funkier with the hair dye with the help of my wonderful hair dresser Beca(the true meaning of Punky Mom shows it all and doesn't care what you think!) So with the companionship of Bombadee to hold my sissy hand sometime this week I will hopefully have my nose ring. I have to tell you it's getting more reaction from friends then my parents, My Mom was like oh, well go somewhere good, and how big? when I told her small she was like hmm and we started talking about my tatoo ideas for Vegas! So in Mom & Dad's wisdom they were probably right about the hair color back in the day, I wouldn't have as healthy of hair as I do now. ... but then again I will never know, and Pirate Poohey piercing anything but your ears will have to wait till your legal and same for tats. But you want purple hair, sure why not. But no fanny showing skirts or sex!

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